Tourists, especially from the United States, are used to having escalators and elevators in every building. If this is your first trip to Italy, it is very important to note that there are many places that have only stairs. Consider this when you’re packing! I suggest packing only a carry-on if you can manage it, but if not, be sure your bags are not too heavy to lift.Traveling light will make it a whole lot easier to get on and off the trains. This is important as the trains make very quick stops. So you need to be able to quickly grab your suitcase/or bag and get off quickly. Just imagine how difficult this might be if you have to drag a heavy suitcase!

Since it’s your first time in Italy, we understand that you want to visit all the beautiful places. But the problem is – there’s just too many! Do not try to see everything! Italy is such a beautiful country and it can be tempting to want to see all the tourist sites that you have read about. But in reality, you are more likely to enjoy your trip by taking you time and moving at relaxed tempo.ITINERARY SUGGESTIONS
Let’s say your first time in Italy is only 10 days, we suggest limiting your itinerary to three places. Trying to visit more places will force you to spend a large amount of your time in transit, which can be exhausting, especially if you boarded a long-haul flight to Italy and factoring in your recovery from jet lag.
It’s best to blend some relaxation and sightseeing, which always makes up a quality itinerary. A combination of the sights in Florence and Rome with other locations like Tuscany, Amalfi Coast, Lake of Como or Cinque Terre, that are more relaxed, is a good way to be sure to enjoy every place to the fullest. If you are looking to add in one or two other places that possess a “rich” Italian charm, then Venice or Verona in Veneto, Lucca or Arezzo in Tuscany, Milan or Bergamo in Lombardy, are also great choices! It’s all about finding the perfect balance without missing too much. Not putting too much into your plan will ensure a more fantastic first time in Italy.
Chances are you will be taking a train at one point or the other during your trip. If this is your first time in Italy, this is one of the most important travel tips: keep in mind that whenever you are going to take the train, there are two steps in getting your tickets. The first step is purchasing your ticket, and the second step (which is very important) is validating it.Many tourists visiting Italy for the first time assume that once they get their train tickets, they can board the train right away. But before you board the train, your ticket must be validated by inserting it into one of the yellow validating machines strategically located throughout the train stations. They are hard to miss and easy to use.
The validating machine registers the ticket and marks the day and time of the train ride, this ensures that each ticket is used just once.
Ticket inspectors carry out routine checks to ensure that riders have validated tickets. They don’t show and sympathy for tourists, even if it’s their first time in Italy. So if you can’t find the machine or are running late and need to jump on, be sure to find a worker immediately when boarding and let them know. They will punch a hole in your ticket for you beforehand so that they remember. If you do not validate your ticket, you will be asked to pay a fine.

Speaking of trains, transportation is one of the most important factors when planning a trip. And people always want to know whether renting a car is necessary or not. The advice to people traveling to Italy for the first time is that they should plan on transiting the country using the train system. It can be quite a real challenge driving in Italy, especially in the cities. In the city centers, you typically need a permit so you can end up with issues and fines that are just not worth the hassle. This is your first time in this beautiful country, lay back and enjoy it!The Italian train system is very well-connected, so without a doubt, you can almost anywhere by train. The trains in Italy run frequently and are easy to use(remember to validate your tickets). For example, visiting cities like Venice, Rome, Lake Como, the Amalfi Coast, Cinque Terre, etc. are all easily reached by train from many other cities. Check out individual train costs depending on where you would like to go or the EuroPass, which allows a certain amount of trips regardless of the cities. Either way, rest assured, you don’t need a car to experience all the wonder of Italy.
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